Manon Blanc and Manon Café


Weight | 250G

Chocolates | Manon Blanc Only


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Manon Blanc and Manon Café





Manon Blanc Only

  • Product Description

      The Manon has been one of our best selling chocolates since the very beginning and speaks for itself. The Manon Blanc consists of a light, 100% Arabica coffee flavored butter cream on a thin bed of praliné (hazelnut milk chocolate) covered in a delicate layer of white chocolate. 

      The Manon Café differs only by its larger size and a bump on the top concealing a whole toasted hazelnut. 

      • 250g = 13-15 chocolates
      • 375g = 20-22 chocolates
      • 500g = 27-30 chocolates
  • Product Details