Butter Creams and House Creams


As indicated in the name, our delectable butter cream chocolates contain butter and that is what gives them a rich, deep flavor. Our delicious house creams, on the other hand, do not contain butter. They have slightly brighter flavors in comparison to the gently subdued flavor of our butter creams. It's a delicate balance, but some flavors are better suited to the addition of butter, while others not so much (such as our refreshingly addictive lemon cream). The majority of our creams do contain butter as Leonidas is well known for the quality of their butter creams. 

Unlike our pralinés, which are similar in flavor, our creams come in a variety of flavors. Roughly half of your pre-assorted ballotin will be made up of ganaches and creams. The other half will consist of our praliné chocolates. 






Tagged: Creams